Monday, April 29, 2019

Corporate Lessons from 'Titanic'

Situation - There is this company, which is not in a very healthy state. Most of the senior leadership acknowledges that without significant efforts and infusion of capital, the company would be in "big trouble". Employees are worried.

Advise to employees from someone in the Senior Management (lets call this person 'Victor Victor') -
  1. Titanic (i.e., the Company) has hit an iceberg. It cannot be fixed by people (i.e., employees) on board
  2. There are few options available to passengers and crew members (i.e., employees)
  3. Option 1: Wait for someone knowledgeable and resourceful (i.e., investor) to come and fix the ship
  4. Option 2: Wait for a big ship (i.e., a large firm in the same domain) and rescue (i.e., hire) you
  5. Option 3: Wait for a small boat (i.e., a small firm in the same domain) and rescue (i.e., hire) you
  6. Option 4: You have the option of jumping in the water (i.e., leave without a job or leave for a company that does not do justice to your experience, profile etc.). Don't jump in water!!!
Great analogy and all very good suggestions from 'Victor Victor'.

But don't forget.....the ship is still sinking!!! 

Don't wait for too long. Find that threshold beyond which jumping in water and trying to stay afloat is a better option. Else the ship would sink and will take you down with it.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

When employees no longer trust their management

Employees leave organizations for various reasons. It could be for better compensation, better opportunities, lack of recognition, personal reasons, for not getting along with an individual/team etc. 
For a good/valuable employee, organizations can make changes to ensure that the employee reconsiders the decision.

However, if employee is leaving because "they have lost faith in the immediately as well as top management", it is worrisome. And if several employees leave for the same reason and others are looking for a job, it requires immediate action. 

Trouble is who will take those actions and who would try and convince the employees....the very same people who the employees no longer trust?