Sunday, January 12, 2014

Mind your own business

Jab kisi se koi gila rakhna,
Saamne apne aaina rakhna

Easier said than done. Its not that am able to do it. I get too excited and worked up when am angry and then say things which I would never have said otherwise. However, when there is no heated argument, I try not to say things as I know that I am no god. I havd sinned as well.

But there are others who seem to truly believe that they are always right. And in this frame of mind they go on passing comments on others and preaching things to others!!! I truly despise such people.

And then there are others who do not say things directly. They hide behind rhetoric or poetic words. Such people are cowards 'as well'.

They try to keep a backdoor open so that they can go back and say that they were 'misunderstood'. Have seen enough of such crap to understand their true colors.

Do not forget that I and several others truly understand how dramatic you. People understand the hollowness of your emotions, smiles and tears. You have suffered in life and I do not get any kind of sadistic pleasure out of that. But you have asked for it. And you have made others around you suffer even more. Most of them do not realize it due to a brainwashing that has happened from an early stage. But others do understand it.

'Some of them do laugh at your tears'. Getting my drift? I said....I do not laugh at your tears. I have become emotionless as far as you are concerned. I do not get moved by your emotions. And I do not cry on your shoulders when am sad depressed. So please do not comment ('if you did') on my sorrows. You do not have any business doing that.

And if you have anything to say to me or ANYONE else, please be direct.

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