Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sales vs Research/Consulting

In research and consulting, the sales people should take a back seat after bringing a lead/project. After that, they should allow the project execution team to take over and set client expectations and manage delivery. 

I could be wrong with my assessment. There could be companies where the continued involvement of the sales team in project updates, presentations could be proving to be positive. 

However, I am yet to work with a sales person who does not start acting more like a client representative than my team. You give a suggestion in your favor, the sales guy will start talking on the client's behalf!!! They very well know which side their bread is buttered on. That is why I am not a big fan of this approach.

No offence sales guys....I love you for bringing the business and earning the commissions!!! I do not screw your happiness, you do not screw mine, fair isnt it?

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