Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I never knew what "Tag" means and how does it work. Then suddenly my sister Bompy "tagged" me and asked me to fill my responses. She asked me to write the significance of the numbers 0-10 in my life. It could also be any memory that the numbers bring to the mind. Believe me, it was not easy. I took me a few months to complete it....hummmph!!! Here are my responses;

Zero is what I got in my first accountancy unit test in class 11th. And in second one too!!
One. The number of chance that I want from God to relive my life and to change a few mistakes
Two. The number of cell phone that I carry
Three. The number of digital cameras that I have; soon I will add one more
Four. The number of companies that I have worked in, so far
Five. That’s how much I scored out of 25 in my first English test in class 3. It was my first day in that class (I had joined late) and they took a test!!! I remember the teacher had locked me and a few other low scorers in the class and had threatened that she won’t let us go home!!! After school, I did not know what to do with the test paper. So I hid it in my school bag…..out of all the places. I could have thrown it but I chose to hide it in my school bag. The same school bag that my grandmother used to organize every evening!!! You do not want to know what happened afterwards. Actually I do not want to revisit that memory lane!!!
Six is the present age of my career
Seven is the highest number of pizzas (pan pizzas) I have had at one go (It was a bet!!!)
Eight. I was in class 8 when I committed the biggest mistake of my life
Nine. The number of shooters that I had in my bachelor’s party
Ten ten ten ten ten ten ten ten…..chhutti!!! Finally!!!

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