Monday, June 25, 2007


If you are staying in India, you are familiar with the sight of beggars "attacking" a vehicle on a crossing. Children, men, women, old people...all kinds of people are there, begging on Indian streets. Even if you feel the urge to give something to a beggar, you stop yourself thinking that may be the beggar is part of the "begging industry" and there is a begging "mafia" running the show. It is thanks of the "realistic" cinema (Madhur Bhandarkar types) that we are aware of such unfortunate truths of our times. Such movies show the true picture of our society and they are indeed very helpful in forming an opinion.

Everyday I encounter at least 50 beggars but I dont feel like giving something to each of them. Its the old ones who move me. Many a times I have stopped myself thinking about the "industry" but I have felt sorry after driving past the signal. What if the old man on your car window is not part of an industry and really needs food? May be 9 out of the 10 times you end up funding the industry but for me, that one occassion is worth it.

Know what, one day I want to give a 100 Rs note to an old beggar woman, just to see the reaction. And if it brings a smile or any expression of joy on her face, I will be glad all my life.

1 comment:

~anu~ said...

i know. i had one bad experience when realized i was cheated, on other occasions i have not known, and i prefer it that way.
remember baba bharti's famous line!