Monday, March 19, 2007

My answer to the comment on "Mob Censorship: What are we scared of?"

Mr Upadhyay, I cannot agree more to your point that there are not many movies showing the problems of the "majority community" (as you put it). But even if there are no movies to show the problems faced by "Kashmiri Hindu Migrants", it does not give us a right to stop anyone from watching a movie that deals with problems faced by others. And, I do not know why we are deviating from the topic. The focus is not upon the "victim" but the "system". If something is wrong then it is wrong, irrespective of the religion, cast, race etc of the victim. The point that I tried to put across was that we should be OPEN to look at all the viewpoints. If you have a closer look at my original blog, I have talked about the movie "Water" too. Now, that is a movie dealing with the HINDU (Your "majority community") widows. When someone tries to show the problems faced by the Hindus, we try to stop them too. And we do it as we are scared and do not want to change the system, how much so ever rotten it may be. Since we are talking about movies, I will quote a dialogue from the movie "Swades", which I agree with, "Our country is not great but we have the potential to make it great". And for that to happen, we will have to change the system and do away with our myopic vision.

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