Monday, March 14, 2022

Day 3: Report Card

Broke down the walk in two sessions. In the morning, I went to the gym and walked for ~6000 steps. The weight and lack of activity during the lockdown made it difficult. Was getting cramps while walking on the treadmill so I decided to walk in the gym itself. Its a quite gym and remains vacant. The air-conditioner is perfect and it was quite enjoyable to walk in the gym. 

After dinner, I walked again and completed the step target.

Breakfast was healthy and so was lunch. My biggest problem remains the hunger pangs around 4 PM and then around midnight. Midnight would not be an issue as all the activities during the day make me extremely tired and I sleep as I soon as I hit the bed. However, 4PM is an issue. I had a glass of coconut water, a bowl of oats and some makhana (fox nuts or lotus seeds). But later, I ended up having 2 small pieces of tandoori chicken and an energy bar as well. Felt really bad but its a good learning. Will try to overcome this issue in coming days.

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