Friday, July 3, 2020

Not the right time to point fingers

EXCLUSIVE: Rajiv Bajaj On Lockdown Revival Recipe For Industries ...

You questioned the lockdowns and cited the economic impact. I firmly believe that lockdowns were relaxed purely because of economic reasons. So, your arguments (there are valid counter arguments as well) were valid. 

However, that does not mean that the government should be blamed. Its a crisis that no one was prepared for and steps were taken with the right intent and keeping everyone's interest in mind. 

While the situation has worsened drastically in past few weeks, it is still better than many countries. Your assumption is probably unfair that situation would have been similar if strict lockdowns were not imposed. 

But while criticizing the lockdowns and urging the government to allow production to resume, did you take 'enough' measures to ensure workforce safety? According to media reports, in one of your plants, 140 employees have tested positive and two have succumbed to COVID19. Now, as per reports, your own workers are asking you to consider the option of shutting the plant!! 

It is unfortunate and everyone hopes that the plant keeps buzzing and workers remain safe at the same time. 

Hope lessons have been learnt...especially that its not the right time to point fingers. 

Help the government, yourself and automotive industry by ensuring workforce safety.

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