Sunday, August 6, 2017

Why do I read only e-papers?

Out of all the things that I hate, number 2 spot would go to the bizarre page that Times of India newspaper adds 'on top of the front page'. Sounds strange, isn't it? Exactly my point. It is like a small side page which is equal in length of the other pages but is only ~30% of the width of the other pages. To read it, one either needs to staple the pages or spread it on a table. Now, that is not how newspapers are supposed to be read. I read the newspaper on the thinking pot - I think a lot of people do that. It is impossible to hold the newspaper properly and read it. I simply hate it.

And number one spot goes to the fliers in the newspapers. As soon as you make yourself comfortable on the thinking pot and open the newspaper, the flyers drop down and land at different places in the loo. And for some strange reason, they never land at a dry place!!! Every time this happens, I read the name of the advertiser on the flyer and make a mental note to never use their product/service. These flyers kill the fun of having a relaxed and enjoyable poop-time. 

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