Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Special Teacher

Today is Teachers' Day in India. The day always remind me of a 'person', who I used to refer as 'Teacher'. It was not a random name and there are reasons behind it but let us not go there.

I have known the person for close to 24 years. We used to talk to each other, we use to like each other but we were not 'friends'. Our talks mostly revolved around others. Later, for a long period, we lost touch. We were never good friends so neither of us really made an attempt to contact the other.

It was around 10 years back that I contacted the person. I needed to get some details from the person. Nothing else. I was not really looking to have a friendship. Though, it was a phase in which I was not doing too well emotionally and I used to look for opportunities to talk to people just to avoid my own company. When we talked, we struck a chord. Or may be I should say that I liked talking to the person. The person was also not doing too well and we found each other. We used to talk and support each other. There was nothing anyone could do about my situation and I just needed to talk to someone. In case of the person, there were several issues and I would like to believe that I helped in keeping the chin up. At least that is what the person suggested.

We became close and we started talking for hours every day. I was liking it and so was that person. But then, things fell apart. We could not remain friends and all because of me. I abruptly stopped talking to the person and I know that I caused a lot of pain. But I did not mean to. I did what I did partly because I did not want to cause a bigger pain later.

Now, we are not in touch. I know where the person is. I do not know whether my whereabouts are known to the person or not. I truly cared and I still do. I wish the person the best in life.

I wish that we could remain friends. I wish that we can become friends again. Not close ones but just friends. I wish that I can explain to the person that I care and I am sorry. I wish that I can refer to the person as 'friend' or 'teacher' and not as 'person'. 

I am sorry my friend. I hope you always do well. Wish you the best.

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