Saturday, June 14, 2014

Expert in a Minute!!!

Manager: There is a project involving Economic Impact Analysis?

Employee: Hmm...Interesting. However, I have never done a full-fledged project involving Economic Impact Analysis

Manager: It involves quantitative as well as qualitative assessment parameters

Employee: That sounds more complicated. It may give result only in qualitative terms

Manager: That's okay. Talk to someone who has done something like this.

After a while....

Employee: I have checked with others. Only few have done it and they say it takes time

Manager: How much time?

Employee: Framework itself takes at least 2 weeks

Manager: That is fine, we will let the client know

Employee: But, most agree that it would be difficult to use quantitative as well as qualitative assessment parameters without getting qualitative results. Do you know how to do it?

Manager: No I do not. But, 'we will find a way' 

Employee: Before committing anything, we should know how to do it, isn't it?

Manager: Yes but we cannot find out now. I do not know as well and that is okay. 'We will learn together'

Employee: Hmmm....

Manager: Let's have a call with the client and understand what he wants. We will communicate the challenges

Employee: Ya, that is better

On the call....

Manager: Hi, this is something which is going to be challenging

Client: I understand. But please do it

Manager: Of course. We also understand that it is a time-consuming exercise

Client: I understand. But please do it in 1 week. That is what we have

Manager: Of course. But in that timeframe, we can only create a high-level model

Client: Hmmm....

Manager: We will conduct a workshop. We will take you through the model and tell you how to do this

Client: Okay, but we want someone who can tell us exactly what needs to be done

Manager: Of course. We can do that. Employee over here has done this in the past. He will champion this

Employee: .........hmmm....ok....but I have a few questions

Client: I cannot answer anything. It is top-secret

Manager: That is okay, we will do it. Employee please start working on the framework

Employee is wondering, what happened to all the issues that were discussed and what happened to "we will find a way" and "we will learn together". Employee is also wondering why was he suddenly projected as an expert!!!

....And there goes the weekend!!!

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