Tuesday, August 7, 2012

King of Impulse Purchases

Here are a few examples:
  1. Went to buy grocery and bought a refrigerator worth INR 9,800!!! We already had a big one at home but bought another one to stock beer
  2. Went for some window shopping and bought a foot massager worth INR 34,000!!!
  3. Went for weekly grocery shopping and bought a reclining chair worth INR 17,000!!!
  4. This one is classic. We went to a sports store to enquire if they would be willing to purchase my treadmill. I had bought the treadmill for INR 24,000 but it had been hardly used (of course). It was taking up a lot of space so we decided to sell it off. I did not manage to sell the treadmill but did purchase a cross-trainer worth INR 24,000!!!
  5. I have spent thousands on online shopping in purchasing stuff that I like to collect but hardly use. Bags, knives, camera equipments, gadgets etc etc
  6. The day before, I went to a mall to purchase a watch for my dad and bought a camera lens worth RM 1,500 (~INR 26,500)!!!

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