Thursday, June 14, 2012

Quite Irritating

In today's world, people do not have time and they look for shortcuts. While writing, people try to reduce the number of characters. Quite understandable. So, 'That' become 'Dat', 'Sometime' becomes 'Smtime' or 'Smtym', 'Awesome' becomes 'Osum', 'Love' becomes 'Luv', 'Come' becomes 'Cm'. Thats okay.

But why the **** do some people turn "Cool" into "Kewl" and "My" into "Mah"!!! It does not make sense and it is pretty irritating. If a teenager from a small village and who is new to internet does it to impress his other novice friends, it would be understandable.....but still irritating. Same goes for a 'hip-hop' dude.

But when an educated, 'full-blown' adult does it, I feel like slapping the idiot. And some of these people like to write in all caps!!!

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