Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dental Trauma

I go for a dental check-up every six months as I can bear all kinds of physical pain but not the one that comes between me and good food!!! You go to the dentist to avoid any pain but the check-up can also be pretty painful. Let me share one very painful incident that took place during my last visit to the dentist. It did not cause any major physical pain but it was psychologically painful. It was traumatic. Here is what happened.

I went to the Smiline Dental Clinic in Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad. That is my regular dental clinic and I know the doctor pretty well. I was offered another dentist since my regular doctor was busy with another patient. However, I insisted on meeting my regular dentist, Dr. Sunitha (wish I had accepted the offer). After waiting for a few minutes, I was asked to go to Dr. Sunitha's room. I went there, we said hello to each other and then she started the examination.

After a brief examination, she told me that I have a cavity. No, no...thats not the painful part!!! With the amount of time I spend on brushing my teeth, that was pretty much expected. She told me that she can quickly do a filling. She offered to fill some 'substance' that will match the color of my teeth (remember this part). I thought that is a brilliant idea as no one will ever know about the cavity and the filling. I agreed.

She asked her assistant to bring the substance that matches the color of my teeth. The assistant went away and was back in a minute with a tray. I dont know what was the color of the substance did she bring but the doctor had one look at the tray and shouted....."not this one, bring the YELLOW one!!!!". Ouch!!!

Now I take good care of my teeth.

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