Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dear Romeo Alpha Mike

Dear Romeo Alpha Mike,

I recently left Foxtrot and Sierra after spending over 7.5 years. I thoroughly enjoyed my stint there - except the last few months. It is indeed going through some turbulence and require several changes. Honestly, I was excited about your vision - even though your first mail sent massive shock waves!!! :) 

I felt that you would be able to do the much needed course correction. Naturally, I was surprised and shocked when I heard about your exit. Based on my interactions with stakeholders (though the sample is neither statistically significant nor representative),  I can say that they had high expectations from you and they felt confused later on. Your blogs/articles suggest that things were not handled in a professional manner. 

I wish the organization could benefit from your vision and leadership. And I wish you all the best!! 

Alpha Kilo

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