Friday, January 31, 2014

Caught among percentages

The work-related 'Things-to-Do' list is getting so big that gathering enough motivation to even look at it has become an item on the list!!!

It has a project which others have worked on without much success. I would like to believe that they tried everything that was made sense and still did not get any (please note, it is 'any' and not 'enough') success. So, the project was assigned to me with the expectation that I would give 100% time (please note, 100% time) to the project.

Then I have another project that requires 100% time. Another project that requires less than 10% time unless there is a crisis. Then a research report that requires 2 more days of effort. Another project that requires some tweaking in the final deliverable and a final presentation in Hong Kong. And lastly, Business Development that should be given around 50% time!!! Not to forget the ever-increasing list of administrative activities, which consume a lot of time and more importantly, kill momentum.

However, I am not worried about the work. That I can do.....if I get sufficient time. This equation of 100% + 100% + 10% + 16 hours + 50% + x% is making me confused!!!

Guess I should raise a help desk to add more hours in my days anx more days in my weeks!!!!

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