Saturday, July 25, 2009

Open Letter to the Indian Army Chief

Good Evening General,

How are you Sir?

I am writing this letter to you as I have a request. Before jumping to the request, let me give you some background.

My cousin brother recently left the Indian Army and did an MBA “crash course” from a prestigious institute. He never was too keen to join the army at the first place and certainly did not have the initention to serve the army for his whole life. He is not alone. Not that I need to tell you but each year, several officers leave the Indian Army and join a course in IIMs or XLRI to pursue a fat pay package in the corporate world. It is not that I look down upon them. Everyone has her/his priorities. And it’s good that the Indian Army is giving such options to its officers, who realize that they can make a better career outside.

Similarly, cannot we device a mechanism for a “reverse crossover”? What if there is a 29 year old sitting in a cubicle (read: me) in a private office who would like to leave everything and join the Indian Army? He may have a better pay package than army officers of the same age but he still wants to “swap” jobs. He may not be really physically fit to be in the army NOW but can’t he be considered? After all, it’s not that all your officers in the IIMs today are fit to be in the IIMs!!! And he promises to be fit for the army if given an opportunity.

Presently, when you are facing manpower shortage in the army, I would say that you should consider this "reverse crossover" mechanism. Nowadays, some people are joining the Indian Army as they want to serve for a while and then leave for a more glamorous career. Then there are some, who do not have much options. My feeling is that there are not many people who are joining the army as they are really motivated to wear that olive uniform and serve the army for their life. There is at least one such guy (the same 29 year old that I talked about earlier), who has that motivation. He would prefer being at Siachin than sitting in an AC office. Please consider him as he can truly be a role model.

Thanks and Regards,

The 29 year old


Saurabh Jain said...

Good thought! May be we should be given an option for serving the army for a few years on voluntary basis.. that will serve the purpose of providing enough people to serve the army, as well as fulfil the wishes of people like that 29 year old as well.. Moreover, the larger picture of this can be that this will help increasing the patriotic feeling in the people of the country - the more the number of families with their people having worked in the Indian Army, the more will be the attachment of that family and its relatives towards the Army and the Nation..


army is an organisation who never compromise on any it education.....physical fitness, mental fitness on any other standard..........I respect the sentiment of my brother....but my brother donot forget.......even a symbolic induction of you will dilute the build the nation by other way........wish best wishes....RAMANUJ DUBEY

ज्योत्स्ना पाण्डेय said...

तुम्हारी देशभक्ति के ज़ज्बे को सलाम
युवाओं के लिए प्रेरणा के स्रोत हो

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